Virtual JOB FAIRS and OPEN DAYS for Universities
Creat virtual job fairs that attract more recruiters and students. EasyVirtualFair is the platform of choice of 150 Universities worldwide to organize virtual job fairs, virtual open house and other events like virtual orientation days. We have been working with Universities and Colleges since our begging and we support all your activities. Universities and Colleges have a sponsored rate and faster access to our services. Also, if you´re selling booths, we can support you in the process with our sales materials.

Virtual Vs. Physical
Attendance at physical job fairs is rapidly declining. By offering a virtual job fair to students, you can increase the participation of both students and companies. Other virtual events like “Open Days” for potential students and university organization advertising events are also on the rise.
Easier for the Student
University students are eager for their chance to join the workforce. But choosing between their present obligations of class and their future is a tough decision. Virtual job fairs can last hours, providing students with plenty of sample time to attend both.

Are you selling booths to the recruiters?
Download our free eBook, How to Sell Booths at College Virtual Job Fair. Also, we can help you with a dedicated sales landing page to present the virtual job fair to your partners.

Join the Wave
More and more universities are joining the wave of virtual job fairs. You can organize several events each semester while keeping your brand and message right in front of your candidates. With students who are always up for the latest trend, universities should be too.
Other Online Events for Universities
When recruiting students to attend a university, a virtual “Open Days” event is a great option. Instead of posting up at a local college fair and handing out brochures, you can invite students to participate virtually. This expands the university’s reach to other locations throughout the area and even out-of-state students.
Virtual campus organization fairs are a great option for recruiting students to all of the fun available through the university. By organizing an online event, these organizations are sure to gain members.